Sustainable development

Energy efficiency

In order to ensure compliance with the Energy Efficiency Act, large companies are obliged to prepare an energy audit every four years or they must establish a power management system according to ISO 50001. During 2014 INA Group started the certification according to this standard and identified critical areas and opportunities for improvement with the goal of continuous improvements in energy use.


ISO 50001 specifies requirements to be met by power management system, which are applicable to all organizations, regardless of type and size.

INA, d.d. and larger companies of INA Group (Crosco doo, Rotary – a member of Crosco Group, INA Lubricants, d.o.o. and STSI, d.o.o.), along with existing management systems ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and OHSAS 18001, has successfully completed the certification process and implementation of energy management system according to ISO 50001: 2011, in October 2015. This system ensures efficient energy use while increasing profitability, optimizing costs and reducing environmental impact.

By implementing energy management system INA Group established an energy policy with specific targets to improve energy efficiency. The key areas were defined and elements that affect energy were recognized. The general objectives of energy management system in INA Group are: the reduction of energy consumption, optimization of energy sources and the introduction of new forms of energy in accordance with the best available industrial techniques.

The main principles of energy management are:

  • focus on increasing of energy efficiency, achieving energy savings and improving energy performance,
  • optimal selection of types and sources of energy,
  • initiation, development and implementation of energy projects, as well as the design for the improvement of energy performance,
  • purchase of energy efficient products and services,
  • monitoring the implementation of legal and other requirements in the field of energy,
  • compliance with all internal documents of INA Group, expertise development and increasing the awareness of rational use of energy.