Sustainable development

INA Group in the community


In INA Group we believe that people are the foundations on which our business is built, and they greatly influence our business behavior, organizational structure, management and all related processes. If we add to this the large number of different activities of INA Group that we deal with, there is an exceptional range of professionals employed, whose knowledge extends from very technical to multidisciplinary social areas.

INA Group employs experts of various generations, interests, and profiles.

Such diversity is precisely what brings us a wide range of knowledge and experience in everyday work, which transformed into innovative solutions through teamwork in line with the leading world practices and it provides us with competitive advantage and business success in dynamic conditions in the markets in which we operate.


INA Group is a company with a fifty-year tradition of good cooperation with the communities in which it operates. We strive to be a desirable partner who supports development and actively participates in the life of the community. We are always ready for dialogue, cooperation and participation in initiatives which contribute to better quality of life, and we initiate joint projects with the local communities as well.

INA Group helps the communities with numerous donations, actions of the INA Volunteers Club and other projects as a partner to the communities.